Life of a Writer

Life of a Writer: The day to day life of Nawal Aditya. Well...almost day to day...

Monday, January 5, 2009


Hello, everyone! Happy Late New Years from me! It is the beginning of the glorious - depends on what you mean by glorious - new year of 2009. There are amazing things going on, but its good say that some of them are going on in my life. There are now a few great things that I found while browsing the internet. I have a few pictures to show you...

The first one is of my own creation (Click to enlarge, view, and enjoy.):

This one is something I was delighted to see (Click to enlarge, view, and enjoy.):

The latter is something that I found just today on Google. 11, 500 search results! That is really good for me.

So I have to walk off with a flourish of my hat and a wink of my eye. Thank you all, and good bye...for now.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Okay, everyone, I still have a lot of stuff to do, and I am busy. So I am just posting a small thing right here, and it will be memorable as I go on through life. What I am posting is of sentimental value to me - my current iTunes account:


It shows some songs that I prefer, of course, I cannot buy all the songs that I want and put them on my iTunes account due to things such as: iTunes does not have all songs and artists, and that I need more iTunes giftcards.

Why is this sentimental? I received all this on my fourteenth birthday, on 12/21/2008. Something really uncanny but exciting has occurred. My birthday is on 12/21, and as you can see one of my favorite songs is selected and highlighted in blue, and its album cover is on the main screen. BUT as you can see, the title of the song is called Prelude 12/21!! That's the same as my birthday. But not only that, the artists - AFI - decided to name it "December Underground"! December!! So that is pretty cool.

Why is it important? Music calms me down and helps me write. Some of my most inspirational ideas have been found when I was delving deep into music...well, not really, but music does help me write without getting irascible or impatient with the time. So I thank all my readers, once again. I love being 14!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


'Tis the night before Christmas when I write in this blog. Listen people, Merry Christmas tomorrow! And for the people who celebrate any holidays: Happy "Insert Holiday", and for those who do not celebrate have a great time.

As you shall now know, I have turned 14 years of age on December 21. Hooray. I am also working on a book, and a compilation of short stories that will be amazing and that I know will get published. So it has been very exciting for me, other science fair and various homework that keep on vexing me. I have gone to through as entirely knew person, and just love the new iPod touch that I received. I would also like to thank my readers for inspiring me, greatly. Truly I do. I am also willing to hand the Life of A Writer blog to a few friends who are truly helping me right now. Changes will be known shortly.

For my fans, I will write a holiday story, although beware to those of you who know my writing style, for it has Human Resources in it. However, after that one, I will write a story with a happy ending!! Eye popping, isn't it. So for now, that is all that I have to say. Thank you.

Nawal Aditya.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Dear readers, I meant to post this on the 27th, but here I am writing right now when it is currently 12:24 A.M. No wait, 12:25 A.M. I just realized that the Blog's timer is 2 hrs. and 1 min. behind my correct time for the time zone I live in, but I'm to lazy to do anything about it. Well, Happy Thanksgiving (no offense intended) or Happy Turkey Day everyone. There are some strange things going on.

A poll on the Short Stories and Scripts of Nawal site has ended. According to the results, I am supposed to write a Dark Humor story, and I will give all I have in my power to do so. I thank everyone that participated in the poll.

If you have been listening to the news, you might have heard the terrorist bombings in Mumbai, India. Many lives were taken, and a great number of people were injured or mortally wounded. I still do not know the reason why the terrorists did this, but I can guess that reasons are close to, if not the same, as what I say: power, revenge, religious causes, fun???, no reason, political/economical reasons, racial reasons, et cetra, et cetra, et cetra. It does not matter, for I ask if it is really necessary to take a human's(or s') life? Can't anything be compromised. If anyone is fighting for land, when you die, the land will remain, unlike the person who wasted his/hers life over it. The land was never yours, and never will it belong to anyone. If anyone fights for money, then when they die, the money will remain in this world, obviously. However, why waste your life over it, for doing such a thing could be considered foolish. It can be shown in history that change causes change. So unless there is someone to stop it, conflict shall also cause conflict. I have to ask that why do people start fights anyway? If anyone stops to think about it, then through the smothering and clouding blackets of race, religion, society, and politics, they will see that we are all human. The world could be a better place if it was something like this:

"Are you Christian?" A man would ask a person about their religion.

"Gabosa." You would answer, giving him your surname.

"What?" He would ask puzzled, gaining a chance to become aware and free of the burdens created by our own minds.

"My name is Christian Garbosa." You would answer smiling and offer your hand.

"Oh." You would shake hands, and the other man would walk away in a daze of awareness, maybe seeing the truth or maybe not.


"Are you a Christian/Hindu/Muslim/Jew/German/Oriental or Traditional/Buddhist/ [insert religion, race, belief, cult, group, political party, society level, etc.]?" Someone would ask you with some judgement that is just waiting to pounce on top of your answer.

You would smile, slyly, holding back a full blown grin, "No. I am a human. What are you?"

"I am a...human." They would have to reply back.

This is the one I like, for it brings out the best reaction and you might have set someone on to the path of self realization. It's these little things that can make the world a better place to live in.


On the topic of my writing, I am very happy to announce that I might post a chapter of my book online on my site. Thank you, good bye, and see you all next time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hello, everyone. I know that it has been a month since I last posted on this blog. I know, I know. No excuses, no matter how many. So this time, I take the blame on myself. I need to make time.

Many things have happened, since last, besides the increase of projects and homework. I have discovered that my writing is really liked. No joke! Just to say, I have to tell my readers that it is you and myself, who inspires me and keeps me writing. The "Nawal Land: the Forbidden Fruit" book is getting complicated (in the good way) and the humor is coming to me naturally, so every time I write, a smile lights up face, which makes writing the book fun and not platitudinous.

For all the Twilight fans, I have some news. Twilight scored #1 in the box office, Bond 22 or Quantum of Solace was #2, and Bolt came on #3. Fan girls were buying about five tickets a second on the release day. For the girls who are crazy about Twilight, the sequel, New Moon is already being worked on. However, the movie is not for recommended for boys, unless you love romance, are movie critique at heart, or just want to watch it because you have nothing to do. I would recommend Quantum of Solace for the action and adventure lovers.

Thanksgiving is only four days away, so every start looking for turkeys, cornbread, etc. This Thanksgiving might not be a big one, what with all the world issues going on in peoples minds, and money is a little loose nowadays. So this time, try to remember all the good times you have had in your life, and with your family, unless you are a bachelor, in which case think about yourself and only yourself, the good way.

This year is going a bit fast for me. I don't want to let of any of my friends and go to high school. I just do not want that at all. But time seems to be going faster because daylight savings time is still here, for some reason. - dentists - Don't ask why. Next year I am going to be a freshman and I'm going to have to start over, and make new friends, who won't be from WAVE, not that I have anything against RAZ kids. I have just been with my friends for too long and I don't want to part.

Well, that's I have to say for now. It's 11:46 and I'm out.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hello, everyone! I am only going to say a little today.

Every class has been loaded with tons of homework, due to the interruption Hurricane Ike caused in the school curriculum. The load of homework might ease out some time towards February, but that's when TAKS will have started. Yeah, I have so much to look forward to.

When I decide to give up romance, everyone seems to start dating. You can unexpected couples anywhere you go, just like an epidemic. Why does life have it in for me? 8th grade is starting to suck.

Tomorrow is my dad's birthday, so we can celebrate. It is going to be fun.

I have been working on chapter 1 for Nawal Land: The Forbidden Fruit, and its going pretty good.

For my readers: I headed to having 1000 page hits on my story site! That will one of the biggest days of my life. :D

That's all I have to say.


Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hello, everyone. I know that I have not posted for a long time, and I have to say that I apologize to my readers for that. However, my readers must realize that I also have to finish my homework, and it that course, I do not always get time to write on this blog of mine.

As I have to say, many things have happened during the period of time I did not write.

- Middle School Romance: There have been many unexpected relationships in the past few weeks. This is has gotten so outrageous that if you had seen the same two people before they had been dating, you would have bet that the apocalypse would have happened twice before those two people had started to go out together. Well, what do you know? The apocalypse seems to have be on coffee break.

Some couples that I see, are dating just for the sake of dating. Some of them avoid contact with each other, talk very little, and try to like each other, but it just seems awkward.

I have asked myself about the point of middle school dating. There seems to be no point in dating until you can drive a car.

- Growth: I could sworn to feel myself growing taller, which is strange. The 8th graders are now gigantic. A friend of mine, Ben Chang, is 6+ feet tall. He just turned thirteen, so congrats for Ben, for making most of us look vertically challenged. I think that I am now 5 ft. 5 in. + tall.

--Poker: Texas Hold 'Em has become one of the most popular game in our school. We play the card game almost all the time. When we are not school, we play poker online with all our friends.

--Accidents: I had an accident. I fell of my bike. So my nose is a bit scratched, but otherwise I'm unharmed.

--Region Band: This is one of the most important of all. This year was my first time at region band. I think I did pretty good, and I hope I got a good chair. After region, I went to friends house to play basketball, football, poker, watch TV, eat, talk, and have fun! It was just something we did to relax and take our stress away.

--Number of Site Visitors: The story called Nawal Land: The Forbidden Fruit has increased the visitors of our site, in about a week, to 50+. Some people have even demanded a copy of the Preface that I wrote. I am currently working on the 1st chapter. So wait just a little while people!

--Time: The first 9 weeks is about to end, and we are going to get grades. I hope that I did good in everything. By the way, TOO MUCH HOMEWORK!!!!

--This post: This is all folks.
